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ToolingBox Solid Carbide Slitting Saws_edited.jpg

¿Qué son las herramientas de corte de PCD y diamante?

El material PCD se llama diamante policristalino, es un tipo de nuevo material superduro que se estudió e investigó en la década de 1970. Se puede sinterizar a una temperatura alta de 1400 ℃ y una presión alta de 6GPa.

La granalla de diamante que se ha fusionado bajo condiciones de alta presión y alta temperatura en presencia de un metal catalítico. La dureza extrema, la resistencia al desgaste y la conductividad térmica del diamante lo convierten en un material ideal para la fabricación de herramientas de corte.

El diamante policristalino no es solo un tipo de nuevo material de ingeniería, sino también un tipo de nuevo material funcional. No es solo un producto de alta tecnología sino también un producto de alto beneficio. Con el desarrollo de la industria moderna y la ciencia y la tecnología, el diamante policristalino se ha utilizado ampliamente en la industria moderna, la defensa nacional y los campos de alta tecnología debido a sus excelentes propiedades mecánicas, térmicas, químicas, acústicas, ópticas y eléctricas.


Why Carbide?

Comparing to HSS material, Carbide metal saw blades provide longer tool life and decreased cycle times, also has good performance of high hardness and long wear life, so solid carbide slitting saws can achieve high-speed milling and high processing efficiency. Milled grooves are dimensionally accurate and have a good finish, resulting in high product quality, it can be widely used for milling and grooving of wood, copper, aluminum and other difficult-to-machine materials such as ordinary steel, hardened steel, bearing steel stainless steel, titanium alloy etc.


¿Cuál es la ventaja de las herramientas PCD?

La herramienta de corte de diamante se ha convertido en una herramienta indispensable en el proceso de corte moderno, lo que se manifiesta principalmente en los siguientes aspectos:

1. Corte de alta velocidad, procesamiento de alta estabilidad

2. Procesamiento de espejo de ultraprecisión

3. Corte en seco, mecanizado limpio

Aplicaciones comunes para PCD:

  • Aluminio y aleaciones de aluminio

  • Aleaciones de cobre, latón y bronce

  • Aleaciones de zinc y magnesio

  • Fibra de carbon

  • Resina epoxica

  • Plástica

  • Compuestos de fibra de vidrio

  • Compuestos de grafito

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ToolingBox TC10/TC20 Series Carbide Circular Slitting Saw

Accroding to the different applictions,ToolingBox can supply TC10/TC20 series circular slitting cutter with solid carbide materials to our customers across many industries, including woodworking, machinery, light Industry, hardware, printed circuits, glasses industries and so on.TC10 series are designed for wood/plastics and non-ferrous metal cutting, and TC20 series are designed for steel cutting. Just to inquire us if you have any questions about our slitting blade products.

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We are passionate about offering clients high-quality solid carbide slitting saws from raw material to end products and are committed to helping solve the problems when slotting and grooving. Today, what ToolingBox is proud of is that we have a professional team with average 20-working-years. We will assist you from the designing,production, regrinding to the final application.

The Advantages Of Our Carbide Slitting Saws

High-quality carbide blanks

Manufactured by high-quality carbide blanks, durable and long tool life

Serrated sharp

The angle of the teeth is specially designed, and the grinding process makes the teeth sharper.

Double mirror finish

The surface of saw blade is smooth within a small tolerance to keep cutting quality and high efficiency.

Multiple specification options

coarse and fine pitch with Inch and in metric sizes, different thickness can be offered

User Case and Application of Carbide Slitting Saws

1. Comparation of HSS and Carbide Slitting Saws

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The case shows that when slitting abrasive materials such as cast iron or aluminium-silicon alloys (Si > 10%), the tool life of carbide slitting saws can reach 8-10 times that of an equivalent slitting saw blade in HSS, also the machining cycle time will be reduced to 1/4 of that of HSS sliting saws.

2. User Case of  Carbide Slitting Saw

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The case shows that ToolingBox TC20 series carbide slitting saws can reach very good tool life(approx. 200 slots) with a reasonable cutting speed(80m/min) when slitting the alloy steel axis part. 

Selection Steps of  Carbide Slitting Saws


Select the Outer Diameter

Generally, the outer diameter is selected by the depth of cut(Table 1).


Determine the Thickness

Determine the thickness of the saw blade according to the cutting needs (Table 2)


Select the Inner Diameter

Find the corresponding inner hole according to the outer diameter (Table 2)


Coarse or Fine Pitch?

If you’re working with non-ferrous metals, ToolingBox suggests a Coarse Pitch, and finer pitch saws for ferrous metals.

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